
EnglandXReader: A Pirates Life chapter 10

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A Pirates Life
Chapter 10

     The crew bustled about on deck. It was to dangers it bring the ship in all the way to the beach of the island because it was too shallow, so they were anchoring it farther out in the water. Arthur was going ashore to find the Devil's Eye, and was taking only Jackson, a strong burly man, with him. You were going with him too weather he liked it or not. You made your way over to the row boat that they were taking and were about to climb into it, when someone grabbed your upper arm and pulled you back.
     "And just where do you think you're going love?" Arthur said in your ear. You rolled your eyes and tugged your arm out of his grip, turning to face him.
     "I'm going with you." You said. He sighed and shook his head.
     "No you're not." He said flatly. You crossed your arms over your chest and frowned at him.
     "Why not?" You wanted to know.
     "I don't know what's out there, and I don't want you to get hurt." He said.
     "I think I've proven that I can take care of myself, and besides you need my necklace to get this thing, and it goes where I go, so…" You said watching his face closely. He frowned, and was quite for a moment thinking over what you had said.
     "Oh all right. You can bloody come." He said through gritted teeth climbing down into the row boat where Jackson was already waiting in the boat. You smiled triumphantly, and climbed down into the row boat as well, nearly slipping and falling into the water. Arthur caught you and held you close.
     "What am I going to do with you love?" He asked running his fingers through your (length/color) hair as Jackson rowed the little boat to shore. It didn't take long, seeing as the tied was on your side. You guess that getting back out to the ship was going to be a bit harder.
     You reached the shore, and Arthur climbed out onto the soft white sand of the beach, you following close behind him. A little ways off in the distance was the edge of a thick jungle. You felt your heart drop a bit looking at it because it reminded you of the dream you had that morning. You shook your head trying to forget it.
     Arthur pulled the map out of his coat pocket, and looked around. His eyes fell on a huge, strange rock formation a little ways down the beach. He looked down at the map, then back to the rock formation, then back down at the map a grin spreading on his face.
     "We're on the right track!" He said pulling a compass out of his pocket as well. "Jackson, you wait here with the boat. (name) and I should return shortly." Jackson nodded.
     "Aye Cap'n." He said stretching out in the small row boat. Arthur walked over to the rock formation.
     "Right, six hundred paces dew west for the rock." He said looking down at the compass to get his baring. You looked at him.
     "How do you know it's these rocks Arthur?" You asked him. He pointed to a small depiction of the rock formation you were standing next to on the map he held in his hand.
     "It matches up, so we're on the right track. Right west…" He said looking at the compass again. "That way." He pointed into the trees and set off quietly counting his steps. You followed closely behind him, counting as well just in case he lost track. You walked through the jungle, trying to keep as straight a path as possible. Arthur paused several times to check his compass and make sure you were going the right way.
     "597…598…599…600…" Arthur said. It had taken forever to get this far because there wasn't a real path for you to follow. You and Arthur had to continually climb over huge tree roots and duck under leaves and vines. The air was more humid then you were used to, and it was making it a little harder for you to breath, and causing you to sweat a lot more. Arthur looked at the map again.
     "Alright, we're supposed to be by a river." He said looking around. The sound of running water could be heard a little ways to your left. You and Arthur walked over to it. You looked down at the water, then back up at Arthur.
     "Now what?" You asked him. He was looking at the map again.
     "Follow the river north east 150 paces." He read from the map. You looked at each other and shrugged. Arthur pointed in the direction you needed to go, and you set off again following the river aw it twisted and turned through the jungle. The river bank was slippery, and you lost your footing falling in the water with a loud splash. You picked yourself up, shaking water from your (color) hair.
     "You alright love?" Arthur said looking at you concerned.
     "Yeah, I'm fine…" You grumbled trying to shake off as much water from your clothes as you could. Arthur chuckled a little bit and continued walking. "Oh shut up." You snapped following him again. 150 paces didn't take as long as the 600 had. Arthur stopped again looking at the map.
     "200 paces due east. Right then, come along (name)." He said marching off again. 'Are we there yet?' You thought to yourself. You continued trudging through the jungle, until you reached a large rock face blocking your way.
     "Blast!" Arthur cursed. "Dead end." You sighed.
     "Does the map say anything else?" You asked. Arthur looked at it and grunted in frustration.
     "No. Dammit! We were so close!" He said. You leaned up against the rock wall studding it. You thought that you could see the outline of a round stone that almost looked like a doorway through the vines that had grown there. You ran your hand along the edge of the stone. It was made of a different type of stone then the rest or the rock face. You knew that it wasn't meant to be there.
     "Arthur! Come look at this!" You called to Arthur who had stomped a way a bit. He walked back over to you.
     "What did you-" He started to say.
     "Dead end my ass! Look at this." You said pulling the vines away reviling the doorway.
     "Bloody hell…" Arthur said in amazement. "How do we get in though?" You shrugged looking around the wall. There was a small indention off to the side of the stone that looked like it was a lock of some kind. You ran your fingers over it. The same marking that were on the map and your pendent were around it. An idea hit you. You took off your necklace and fitted the pendent into the small hole. It clicked into place. You and Arthur held your breath a moment waiting for something to happen, but nothing did.
     "Hmm…" Arthur said thoughtfully. "Maybe if you turn it?" It was worth a shot. You reached out a hand and tried to turn it. Right…nope it wouldn't go. Left, it moved a bit then locked into place. You could hear several tumblers slide into place. The stone slab started to move.
     "(name)! Look out!" Arthur shouted, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you back. And it was a good thing that he did that, for the stone slab fell forward as a large amount of dust came out from the tunnel that was now reviled. You coughed a bit looking into the tunnel.
     "Looks like no one's been here in ages." You coughed.
     "Seems so." Arthur agreed. The both of you stood there for a long moment looking into the dark tunnel. "Well, we didn't come all this way to just look at a tunnel. Let's see where it leads."
     "R-right." You said shakily. You couldn't help but feel a little nervous as you moved into the tunnel. It was dark, and you didn't know what it would lead. Your eyes slowly adjusted to the low light. The tunnel twisted and turned a little bit. After a little while, it opened up into a large chamber. A beam of bright white light came through a hole in the celling splitting the darkness. It fell upon a pool of water in the middle of the chamber. There was a strange glint coming from the pool.
     "Strange…water doesn't normally reflect like that…" Arthur said moving to the edge of the pool. Curiously, you moved to the edge of the pool as well and looked down into the water. Your eyes widened at what you saw. There it was. The Devil's Eye. Sitting at the bottom of the pool, sparkling in the ray of light.
     "Wow!" You and Arthur said at the same time. You made to go into the water to retrieve the diamond, but Arthur stopped you.
     "What are you doing love?" He asked.
     "Well seeing as I'm already somewhat wet, I figured I'd go in and get it, that way we're not both drenched." You explained. He nodded.
     "Good point." He said. You sat down on the edge of the pool and slid into the water. It was unnaturally cool, and came up past your hips. You gasped as the water hit you. "W-what's wrong?" Arthur asked a tone of worry in his voice.
     "N-nothing. It's j-j-just c-cold." You said, your teeth chattering already. You sighed looking down in the water. You were going to have to go completely under if you wanted to get the Devil's Eye out. You sighed, knowing that this was not going to be a lot of fun, but it had to be done. Taking a deep breath, you sunk down in the freezing water. The water was clear, so you were able to keep your eyes open, making grabbing the diamond a lot easier. You reached down and tugged on the diamond trying to pick it up. It didn't move very easily. You tugged a little harder, grunting a bit as you did so. A trail of bubbles escaped your lips. 'Come on dammit!' you thought to yourself tugging on the diamond. You could feel yourself running out of air. Just when you were about to give up for a moment and return to the surface to breath, the Devil's Eye started to budge. You redoubled your efforts to pull it up. After a few more tugs, it came free from the bottom of the pool, kicking up sediment as it did. You kicked off the bottom of the pool making a break for the surface. Your head broke the surface and you gasped, filling your lungs with much needed oxygen.
     "G-g-got i-it." You said pulling the Devil's Eye up and out of the water. "D-damn thing w-weighs a bloody t-ton." You put it on the edge of the pool.
     "Come on, out of the water." Arthur said grabbing your arms and pulling you out of the water, you were shivering uncontrollably now. Arthur took off his coat and wrapped it around you.
     "T-thanks…" you muttered. He nodded and turned his attention to the huge diamond sitting on the ground before the pair of you.
     "Wow…" he breathed. "I can't believe that I finally found it."
     "I-it's amazing A-Arthur." You said looking at it as well. As you looked at it, something strange happened. What looked like a fight was playing out across the surface of the gem. It looked as though you were watching in from a far and through a small window. You blinked several times and shook your head. When you looked back at it, the diamond was blank again. 'What the?...' you thought.
     "Did…d-did you j-just see that?" You asked Arthur. He looked at the diamond that back to you.
     "See what love?"
     "It…n-nothing…" you said. 'Maybe my mind was just playing tricks on me…' Arthur reached down and picked up the Devil's Eye and placed it in a draw string bag he had brought with him.
     "Well we can study this more once we've got back to the ship." Arthur said. He got to his feet, slinging the bag over his shoulder. He pulled you up to your feet. "Let's get outta' here before you freeze to death." You couldn't agree more with him. You didn't much care about the gem now in Arthur's bag, you just wanted to get back to the ship and put on some dry, warm cloths.
     Arthur held you close to him, trying to warm you up as much as he could as you made your way out of the cave. Once out in the jungle again, you felt a little warmer, due to the warm air of the jungle. But you were still wet. You followed the same path that you had taken to the cave back to the beach. The trip back didn't seem to take nearly as long as getting there. Before too long, the tree thinned out and you could see the white sand of the beach again.
     You glanced at the row boat and saw that Jackson was gone. You frowned slightly, and so did Arthur.
     "Bloody hell, where'd Jackson get off too?" Arthur grumbled.
     "You could say he's…a bit tied up at the moment Englischer hund."* A familiar German voice said from a little ways off. Your head whipped around.
     "Gilbert?" you called. There was no way he could be out here. He was supposed to be locked up on the ship.
     "Over here mädel." You followed the sound of his voice and saw him leaning up against the rocks.
     "Bloody hell Beilschmidt, how the hell did you get out here?!" Arthur snarled.
     "Did you really think that you could keep the awesome me in that rinky dink cell of yours Kirkland?" Gilbert scoffed, folding his arms across his chest and glaring at Arthur. "Now, it seems you have something I want. Well two things really." Arthur knew what he was after. The Devil's Eye and you, and he wasn't going to let him take either one from him. He drew his sword and pulled you close to him.
     "Come any closer to her, and I'll cut you down!" Arthur threatened him. Gilbert laughed.
     "You wouldn't stand a chance." Gilbert said smugly.
     "What are you on about? I've kicked your ass several times." Arthur snapped.
     "It's just that this time, you're severely out numbered." Gilbert said. As if on cue, you head another voice call out.
     "Hola amigo! I see you've found them."* You looked down the beach and saw a young man with his long brown hair tied back in a ponytail. He wore a coat similar to Arthur's only orange. You knew who this man was, only you had only ever met him a few times when you were younger. He was Antonio Fernandez Carriedo, one of the people Gilbert sailed around with Gilbert when he was supposedly doing him "merchant" stuff. Following behind him was a group of fifteen or so men. You looked out across the water, and felt your heart sink realizing that there was another ship. 'Damn…did they have this whole thing planned? And we played right into their hands.' You thought to yourself watching the oncoming men closely.
     "Ah mi tomate! You've grown so big since last time I saw you, and so beautiful I might add."* Antonio said with a flirtatious wink. Arthur growled and pulled you a little closer to him.
     "Now is not the time to flirt Toni. We have important matters to deal with." Gilbert said rolling his eyes. Antonio sighed sadly.
     "Amigo, you take all the fun out of life." He said.
     "Now Kirkland, you have what I want. And the awesome me gets what I want." Gilbert said addressing Arthur.
     "Ptff, fat chance." Arthur spat taking a step back, pulling you with him.
     "What do we do Arthur?" You asked quietly your eyes darting around to each man now advancing on you.
     "He was right…we are outnumbered. Damn, I don't like these odds…" Arthur said taking another step back. "I suggest we…run."
     "What?" you asked. You weren't sure if you had heard him right. 'Run? Run where?'
     "Run!" He shouted turning on his heal and sprinting back into the jungle tugging you along with him.
     "Where the hell are we going Arthur?" You shouted as you ran.
     "I dunno. Just keep moving." He said. Without really knowing where you were going, you ran deeper and deeper into the jungle, jumping over roots and running rounder boulders. You glanced back over your shoulder seeing if anyone was on your tail. You didn't see anyone, but you could hear them close behind. Looking in front of you, you noticed that Arthur was no longer beside you. Skidding to a stop you looked around wildly trying to find him.
     "Arthur?" you called. There was no answer. There was a crash in the trees behind you. Not wanting to stick around to find out what had made the noise, you started running again. 'Dammit! Where's Arthur?! Better question…where the hell am I? How am I going to get back? Oh God I hope Arthur's alright…what am I talking about? He's Captain Kirkland, he'll be fine.' You thoughts were cut short as you suddenly came out of the tree and into a small clearing. You kept running and very nearly ended up running off the side of a cliff. You skidded to a stop, your arms whirling around so you could try and keep your balance, and not fall into a deep valley. After steadying yourself, you took several steps away from the edge. Looking around, you saw that you were alone, and you had no idea where you were, or how to get back. 'What am I going to do?' You thought to yourself, looking down into the valley.
     "If you be a man of noble fame, you'll tell to me what'll happen to me…at the well below the valley oh, green grows the lily oh, right among the bushes oh…" You said softly to no one in general, reciting the words of a song you had heard a long time ago. It was fitting, seeing as how you had no idea what was going to happen to you now. 'this is some mess I've gotten myself into…' you thought. You felt the cold steal of a sword being pressed against your neck.
     "You'll be seven years of ringin' a bell at the well below the valley oh. Seven years of burning in hell at the well below the valley oh. Green grows the lily oh, right among the bushes oh." A voice hissed in your ear. "That's far enough mädel."
Woot! Chapter 10! Awesome, I know right! Things are getting a little more...intense, yes? I hope you're enjoying reading this as much as I am writing it! Thanks for reading!

Haha, the last chapter was super short and this one was super long. I think that's kinda funny.

Song reference: The Well by Omnia… it's kinda a dark and creep song if you listen to the lyrics. I thought that it fit for this part

Englischer hund - English dog
Mädel - Girl

Hola amigo - Hello friend
Mi tomate - My tomato

Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10: here
Chapter 11:…

I don't own Hetalia, or its characters, or you for that matter
© 2012 - 2024 Locksley613
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Misamie's avatar
*Gets lost, starts singing* Genius Misa strikes again!